Competition: Temple Corner in Memory of Hero Israel Cpt. Harel Sharvit

In recent months, we have received hundreds of testimonies from soldiers on the front lines in Gaza, stating that in every house in the Strip, there was an element present in almost every home: the Temple Mount (Al-Aqsa). The Temple Mount, which is the holiest place for us and not for them, is their symbol of the destruction of the Jewish people.

The time has come to correct the distortion!

We call on you to join our competition.

The competition will run until Purim: March 24, 2024, 14th of Adar II.

How does it work?

Take the time, prepare a beautiful corner that glorifies the Temple Mount and the Temple in your home, and send it to us via WhatsApp: or email: [email protected].

(When contacting us, please provide: full name, phone number, address, and attach high-quality photos of your corner).

At the end of the competition,

The most beautiful corners will be selected, and their creators will win valuable prizes!

We dedicate this competition to the memory of one of the dedicated individuals of the Temple Mount, the hero Israel Cpt.Harel Sharvit, who, days before his death, conveyed an amazing message to the people of Israel: “The Temple Mount is the focal point and the battleground. When you ascend to the Temple Mount, it is our victory!”

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