Beyadenu, an organization working to strengthen the Jewish People’s connection to the Temple Mount and raising awareness about it, summarizes the 2022 statistics. The organization, which deploys guides and activists who ascend daily, documents what is happening on the Mount, and records the numbers, reports the summary of 2022 on the Mount.
Overall, 51,483 Jews ascended the Mount in 2022, while 34,651 ascended in 2021 and only 20,684 ascended in 2020 (COVID-19 year).
51 Jews were arrested this past year, while 90 worshipers were detained, and no less than 52 ascenders were banned by illegal orders issued by the Jerusalem Police commander using the 4a clause of the police protocol. At least 148 ascenders prostrated last year on the Mount.
Throughout 2022, 30 pre-military academies and 3 schools ascended, totalling approximately 2,000 ascenders.
In the last quarter of 2022 alone, 61 grooms, 20 brides, and 19 Bar and Bat Mitzvahs ascended and received a gift in honor of their wedding days thanks to a new collaboration between the Moriah Jewelry Company and Beyadenu
Beyadenu, an organization that deploys guides on the Mount, guided tens of thousands of ascenders this year and calls on the public to support the Gershon Salomon Guiding Fund, named after the late Gershon Salomon Z”l, founder of the “Temple Mount Faithful” movement, who passed away a few months ago.
Tom Nisani, CEO of Beyadenu, said that “the ascendence trend to the Temple Mount continues to strengthen. Alongside ascendance, we are also witnessing arrests, bans, and detentions of hundreds of Jewish ascenders to the Mount not because they acted violently or illegally but for absurd reasons like praying, waving the Israeli flag, or trying to eat sufganyot on the Mount. This must change in 2023.”