Halachic Intention for Women – English

These guidelines are intended for women who have undergone guidance, and are a summary only and are not wedding guidelines. 

We are preparing to ascend the Temple Mount, a place G-d has chosen to dwell in, the source of divine presence in the world.

May we be able to see the face of God and pray in the courtyards of the Temple.

  Temple Fright 

– Wear shoes that are not made of leather (can be barefoot, not recommended), as on Yom Kippur.

– Must be dressed modestly (similar to a synagogue).

– Do not bring a large bag, it is permitted to have a small purse. 

– you are allowed to eat and drink and take pictures.

– It is advisable to put your phone ion silent mode.

– accompany a person who knows the areas where visiting is permitted.

– There are jurists who order to tear one’s garment; “sees the Temple in its ruins,” and to say: The house of our sanctity and glory which our father god was for burning fire and all our pets was to the sword.

– There are jurists who instruct to bless the blessing of time (ShHecheyanu).

– At the exit from the mountain one must walk backwards so to not turn one’s back on the place of the Temple.


– Every mature Jewish person (men and women) is obligated to purify before his ascendance to the Mount, regardless of one’s marital status.

– Upon completion of menstrual cycle (for at least five days for Ashkenazi and at least four for Sephardis), wash the place, and perform a purity break in white cloth before sunset time (you can try a few times).

– Counting seven clean, must be checked every day – morning and before sunset. First and seventh day tests are necessary (it is highly recommended to check at least once more in the middle).

– For the seven days, wear a white garment.

– You can use a petal.

– On the seventh day after the stars show (light to eighth) you must soak in the mikveh, the sea, or a natural spring.

– There are mikvehs where you will need to bring your own towel.

– immersion for the purpose of ascending the Temple Mount should not be done on Friday night.

– Before immersion, all things preventing contact of the water with the body should be removed.

– The removal must be authorized for the dip itself.

– During the Corona period all preparations must be made at home.


– It is important to make all the preparations in peace of mind and without unnecessary pressure.

– Wash and soap the whole body in hot water, it is recommended to bathe for about 20 minutes.

– Wash your hair (shampoo and conditioner), and comb it. If necessary – use thick comb.

– Brush your teeth and use dental floss or toothpicks. Do not eat food stuck between the teeth (beef, orange, etc.) on that day.

– Remove jewelry, contact lenses, pins, Band-Aid, makeup, teeth palette, etc.

– Blow your nose, clean your eyes, ears (including earring holes), navel.

– Trim nails- arms and legs, and clean well between the flesh and nail. Remove nail polish (well).

– on the day of immersion do not touch dough, clay, glue, mud, paints, etc.

– Please use the toilet if necessary.

– Any bodily hair must be removed before immersion.

– It is not mandatory to remove dry, non-depleted skin, permanent fillings and fresh wound scabs. If you usually remove dry skin from the foot, you should to that before immersion.

– if your hair is dyed, dye it before immersion. Do not dye your hair on the day of immersion itself.

– Wipe ointment, cream, etc. from the body.

– Soften wounds, remove dry blood or dry pus.

– Things that protrude above skin level (shrapnel glass, stitches) should be removed.

– Built-in nails aren’t considered dividers.

– Clean your feet and between your toes from dirt, etc. 


– Check (in thought, vision and touch) the entire body, make sure all the dividers have been removed.

– At the entrance to the water, close your eyes and mouth loosely.

– During immersion the water should reach all parts of the body simultaneously, including the head.

– One should congratulate on the immersion- “Blessed… “which we have been blessed in his commandments, and commanded immersion.”

– Each will immerse a number of times as is her family’s custom. (Default: immersion, blessing, immersion)

– Some pray after immersion: May there be a will in front of you… That the Temple will soon be built nowadays… As they say at the end of the standing prayer.

– From the day of immersion until the next period the woman is pure (unless defiled for another reason).

– Nowadays (when there is no Temple) touching an impure woman, or clothes worn during impurity, does not make you impure.

– A woman who has had intercourse should purify from sperm impurity, and can immerse herself without waiting three days before immersion.

– You need to walk with vigorous movements, then rinse an inner rinse and blow well. After removing the dividers you will immerse as is customary (as noted, without stopping purity, testing and seven clean and without blessing).

The manner of rinsing includes sitting in the bath for at least 20 minutes and/or inner rinsing using a syringe with sterile water.

– These laws are relevant to both single and married women (A divorcee or widow, who immersed after the last time she was unpurified does not need further immersion.)

– A baby girl who saw a bloody affair after her birth, will consult an arbiter privately.

– Men and boys from the age of nine (or from the age of giving seamen, whichever is earlier) must immerse themselves in a kosher mikveh, or spring. Be sure to remove all dividers as women. It should be known that not all men’s mikvehs are kosher for immersion for those ascending to the Temple Mount.

– Many of the halacha rules are only valid at this time. when the Temple is built, they will change.

And more about immersion

– Immersion in the mikveh costs money, the amount varies, and usually reaches up to 30 NIS.

– Some mikvahs provide a towel, shampoo, etc., but in others everything must be brought from home (and some are subject to an additional fee).

– Most of the mikvahs include an entrance room, from which private rooms are accessible. In the rooms there is another door leading to the immersion pit, which is located in a separate room.

– Upon completion of preparations, call the Balanit, or knock on the door, and you will be notified if the immersion room is available.

– During immersion, kneel with loosely bent knees so that the water reaches all parts of the body. Hands should be reached forward as if leaning against a counter, keep your fingers apart, and then dive.

– There are mikvahs that do not allow bachelorettes to immerse (this is illegal and against the halacha). There are friendlier mikvahs in Gush Etzion, some of the Settlements of Judea and Samaria, and in some cities. You can check with me about mikveh near where you live, or search the Mikveh.net website. http://mikve.net/mikvaot.

– You immerse in the sea or a deep spring. Be attentive to security and safety precautions. You can soak in a loose robe or garment without rubber attached to the body.

– According to halacha and the law, you are allowed to immerse yourself without a Balanit present, but it requires experience to make sure that all hairs are immersed in the water. You can hold your hair and release it when you’re in the water. The first few times it is advisable to bring a friend, sister, etc. to help with the immersion, and to make sure that all the hair is immersed.

– According to halacha and the law, you do not have to answer any questions, and the Balanit must not ask, question or examine you in any way about your marital status, or your preparations for immersion.

Technical Guidelines

– It is recommended to use the restroom before ascending (as well as change baby diapers and breastfeed). Restrooms are located at the Davidson Center and at the Western Wall.

– Jewish texts of any kind are prohibited on the Mount. You can use apps on your mobile phone.

– It is recommended to prepare in advance a list of names and topics to pray for, and to memorize Tehilim chapters and prayers.

– ID must be brought.

– Dress modestly (beyond maintaining the dignity of the place, there is harassment on the matter from the Waqf people).

For questions, you can always call-

Rabbitzin Idit Bartov 050-3663101.

[email protected]

Do you have a halakhic or any other question? Ask us and we will reply.

We pass on your questions to Rabbis who are well versed in the subject of the Temple Mount.

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